
Wie Bekommt Man In Terraria Goblintüftler

kill a goblin army and he will spawn randomly underground. The mechanic you find in the dungeon


18. Okt. 2013 um 10:08

I mean what is the easiest way to find him.

hunter potions might help like they said you have to kill a goblin army and the tinkerer can be found in the dungeon or under ground.

Make a easy walkway in the dungeon, make spawn, and run trought it, then restart game, he will change location and you might get him in your dungeon.

Pure luck. He seems to only spawn in areas you've already explored, or at least near them. I never had to really "search" for him, I just ran into him before I could reach hardmode.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Batabii - Y get:

Pure luck. He seems to only spawn in areas you've already explored, or at least near them. I never had to really "search" for him, I just ran into him before I could reach hardmode.


Mechanic, goblin and wizard are always easy to find when roaming a dungeon for a while.. Whenever I start a new world to raid, I always walk into at least 1 them when clearing the dungeon.
Wizard is after defeating wall of flesh offcourse.


18. Okt. 2013 um 11:42

I haven't fought skeletron yet. So I can't go into the dungeon.

I have always found him in the underground jungle area. It's still a lot of space to cover but not nearly as much as just "somewhere in the underground".

Other than that, I also found him in the dungeon as you said. The other thing you can do is to prep and fight Skeletron. It's not nearly as time-consuming as it sounds, since he can be defeated by gear such as gold gear or gear from defeating Eater of Worlds.

I found him randomly under my nose in the Cavern layer.

He wasn't there before.

Wait a bit after defeating Goblin Army before searching.

He won't show up right away.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von WaterMagic:

I found him randomly under my nose in the Cavern layer.

He wasn't there before.

Wait a bit after defeating Goblin Army before searching.

He won't show up right away.

This thread is TWO AND A HALF YEARS OLD.



31. März 2016 um 7:20

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Batabii - Glory greatest country:

Ursprünglich geschrieben von WaterMagic:

I found him randomly under my nose in the Cavern layer.

He wasn't there before.

Wait a bit after defeating Goblin Army before searching.

He won't show up right away.

This thread is TWO AND A HALF YEARS OLD.


Hahahaha, I don't even play the game anymore.


31. März 2016 um 7:25

the goblin tinkerer always spawns near your current location, that basically means you could just make a runway in the cavern layer and run back and forth or something and hell eventually spawn.
it really isnt hard to find him, you just need to be patient enough

omfg people stop with the necromancy.

He continously spawns near where you are moving you will find him eventually

Wie Bekommt Man In Terraria Goblintüftler


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